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This page contains Angus Media's exclusive coverage of the Fifth International Sympsium on Beef Cattle Welfare. Click on a story title below to access the summary for that presentation.

Summary of Past Welfare Symposia, Joe Stookey, professor of animal behavior, University of Saskatchewan; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

Canadian Cattle Welfare Research Update, Ed Pajor, professor of animal behavior and welfare, University of Calgary Veterinary Medicine; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

Investigating New Weaning Strategies, Bernadette Earley, researcher with Ireland’s Teagasc Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Ireland; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

Long-distance Transportation, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, researcher at the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

The Right Driver, Ron Gill, extension livestock specialist, Texas A&M University; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

Flooring Effects on Welfare and Performance, Bernadette Earley, principal research officer for the Animal and Bioscience Research Department at the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc) Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Center; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

Field Metrics for Packing Plants and Feedlots, Temple Grandin, professor of livestock behavior and welfare, Colorado State University; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

The Value of Good Stockmanship,Temple Grandin, professor of livestock behavior and welfare, Colorado State University professor; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

OIE/ISO Animal Welfare Update, Gary Egrie, farm animal welfare coordinator for USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

What's Normal? Ed Pajor, professor of animal behavior and welfare at the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

Preconditioning Impacts Health and Welfare, Brad White, professor of production medicine at Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and interim director of the Beef Cattle Institute; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

Liver Abscess Control and Prevention, Kelly Lechtenberg, owner and veterinarian of Midwest Veterinary Services and Central States Research Centre in Oakland, Neb.; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

Come to Terms, Mike Apley, Kansas State University veterinarian; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

Welfare Concerns at Packing Plants, Mike Siemens, head of welfare and animal husbandry, Cargill; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

Heavy Considerations, Wade Nichols, technical services manager for Merck Animal Health; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

• Religious Slaughter Requirements Explained, Joe Regenstein, professor emeritus of food science at Cornell University and head of the Cornell Kosher and Halal Food Initiative; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Bruising During Transport, Tiffany Lee, veterinarian and researcher, Kansas State University; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

• Managing Maternal Separation, Joe Stookey, professor of animal behavior in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Tips for Loading, Unloading Cattle, Ron Gill, extension livestock specialist, Texas A&M; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

• Fatigued Cattle Syndrome, Jacob Hagenmeier, veterinarian and doctoral student at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Feedlot Lameness, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, researcher at the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Novel Interventions for Bovine Respiratory Disease, Jeff Carroll, research leader in livestock issues research for USDA ARS, Lubbock, Texas; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

• Pain Management, Mike Kleinhenz, veterinarian and research graduate assistant, College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• New Mitigation Option for Heat Stress, Jeff Carroll, research leader in livestock issues research for USDA ARS, Lubbock, Texas; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Body Condition Score Considerations for Beef Cattle Welfare, Bob Larson, professor of clinical sciences, Kansas State University; summary by Troy Smith, field editor

• Dealing with Compromised Cattle, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, researcher, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; summary by Kasey Brown, senior associate editor

• Ruminal Acidosis as an Animal Welfare Issue — Control and Prevention, Kelly Lechtenberg, veterinarian and researcher, Midwest Veterinary Services and Central States Research Centre, Oakland, Neb.; summary by Troy Smith, field editor



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